Monday, April 13, 2009

All the cool kids are doing it!

That's what my fiancee said this morning after I informed him I'd been inadvertently using Nivea Body Wash as lotion for the past week!

It all started at Food Lion last Monday as I perused the aisle for a fun new lotion.
The word 'Sparkle' caught my eye and after Mr. P told me he thought it smelled yummy, I was sold!
Last Tuesday after my morning shower I slathered (kinda a weird word) it all over!
I thought the consistency was weird, it kinda looked like shampoo, but I thought to myself, "this must be the new thing!"
It went on white and after a few seconds dried to a nice sheen!
I even added more one day because I liked that it made me shine.

It wasn't until this morning when bubbles were popping out of the lid that I thought to go in for closer inspection.
Sure enough, 'CREAM OIL BODY WASH'!
This is definitely up there with one of the dumbest things I've ever done!

Kinda smelled really good. :(